Fix Anything…

Anyone who works in the tech support arena for any period of time is bound to have a collection of "you can't believe what a user asked us to do today…" type stories.  If I sat down and thought about it, I'm sure I could come up with many, many of them.  Today, however, I witnessed something I couldn't even dream up.  In my mind, we provide high end computer support, the majority of our users have PHDs or are well on their way to having PHDs.  So, you would expect users to come to us with computer related questions.  We are regularly asked to fix pretty much any electrical device that goes wrong in some of our user's houses, where they don't want to spend the money to have a trained professional come by.  Today, however, a user came up to our office area today asking for help.  With a computer you might think, well no…  He managed to get his coat zipper stuck and needed help getting it undone.  Perhaps I can put coat repair on my resume now or we should just hang up a sign that says, "We fix anything, no computer, no problem".

It just boggles the mind… 


  1. How do you program a zipper so it doesn’t get stuck? There might be money in that! Preschool, kindergarten and first grade teachers would be a good market. I can’t tell you how many zippers I unstuck during my teaching years.

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