Category: Technology

Thoughts, comments, and other random musings on technology

BugMeNot Firefox Plugin

Every once and a while, I stumble across a firefox plugin that is just a great time saver.  I’ve been telling people about the site BugMeNot for quite some time, it’s a convenient way around those sites that require logins for no good reason (i.e. the New York Times website).  I came across yet another …

Continue reading Goes Mobile Friendly

I installed Alex King's WordPress Mobile Edition plugin this evening.  It allows people with mobile (smartphone/blackberry) browsers to easily keep up with the posts and comments on the site.  Let me know if you notice any problems with the site or if you use the plugin and find it helpful.

Pay as You Go Computing, What?

There is a recent article in PC Magazine, discussing Microsoft's Pay as You Go model of computing.  I applaud them for making an effort to reach out to other countries seriously in need of an influx of technology.  However, I get worked up when I read a sentence like this "FlexGo is Microsoft's program to …

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Is That Phone Conversation Really Private?

From "This article in the NYTimes discusses how a recent rash of high-profile mobile phone taps in Italy is spurring a rush toward software-encrypted phone conversations. Private conversations have been tapped and subsequently leaked to the media and have resulted in disclosures of sensitive takeover discussions, revelations regarding game-fixing in soccer, and the arrest …

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John McCain Learns a Hard Lesson

Politicians are trying to woo the younger generation of voters by trying to cultivate an online presence.  Most of the potential presidential front runners have  setup MySpace profiles in an attempt to appear open and available to these younger voters.  I couldn't help but chuckle to myself when I read about some recent fumblings of …

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It’s a Cup of Expresso!

There was a recent discussion in our department about the expectation that users of the espresso machine clean up after themselves.  The discussion went on way to long and culminated with this: "But let us think about this for a moment, in a scientific way: If n people each brew m cups of coffee a …

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Air Powered Car

There is an article about an air powered car that is on the verge of being mass produced in India.  It has a range of 200 – 300 km per fill up and is estimated to cost about $3 per fill up.  Of course, they don't cover the underlying issue of how you get air …

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Google Looses Belgian Court Case

Mutiple sources, like businessweek, are reporting that Google lost a court case in Belgium.  They have been ordered to remove headlines and links on their news aggregator that were posted without the permission of the online newspapers.  So far, Google has been able to avoid such lawsuits via "fair use" laws, which apparently do not …

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Fix Anything…

Anyone who works in the tech support arena for any period of time is bound to have a collection of "you can't believe what a user asked us to do today…" type stories.  If I sat down and thought about it, I'm sure I could come up with many, many of them.  Today, however, I …

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